What's going on with the Stock Market?

by Mack Courter on

For the stock market, last quarter was the roughest we’ve had in some time. The S&P 500 plunged 20% from its high in September 2018, with the Nasdaq and smaller stocks down even more. That’s enough to dismay the stoutest of hearts, and may leave you wondering if you shouldn’t head for the exits.


4 Painless Ways to Save

by Mack Courter on

Benjamin Franklin once said “A penny saved is a penny earned.”    

Unfortunately, the most difficult job I have as a financial planner is to get people to save money. 

I think there are two reasons for this.  For starters, median household income adjusted for inflation has stagnated over the last...

Should You Buy an Annuity?

by Mack Courter on

As I mentioned in my last article, “What Do You Need to Know About Annuities?” very few topics in the world of personal finance generate as much heat as annuities do.  If you listen to the personal finance experts on TV, annuities are the very devil.  If you listen to many financial advisors and...

What is an Annuity?

by Mack Courter on

Very few topics in the world of personal finance generate as much heat as annuities do.  If you listen to the personal finance experts on TV, annuities are the very devil.  If you listen to many financial advisors and insurance salesman, they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

The reality...

Top 4 Things to Do Before Retiring

by Mack Courter on

What are you supposed to do when you turn age 65, or perhaps even age 62?  You’re supposed to retire.  Age 62 is the magical age where you can collect early Social Security benefits.  Age 65 used to be the age when you could collect full retirement benefits, although for those retiring now, it’s age...

The Fiduciary Rule and the Titanic

by Mack Courter on

104 years ago today, the Titanic sank.  I was reading a fascinating story this morning in Our Daily Bread about one of the passengers who died in that tragedy.  He was a journalist named W. T. Stead, and voluntarily gave up his own life vest and spot in a life boat so that someone else could be...

Last post, I gave two reasons why the stock market would start rising again.  This week, I’m going to give you my favorite two reasons why the stock market rout isn’t over yet.    

Again, I’m not doing this to predict.  I’m only doing this to demonstrate how you can get the stats to say anything...